Junior Works (Yr 9-10)

A collection, showcasing works created between 2020 and 2021, where I first encountered the use of digital programs (Adobe Photoshop).

Nature Photoshop

As part of our assignment to take photos around our school, we were tasked to take photos in creating our flower spheres. However as a side project I collected the photos and turned it into an abstract nature scene.

Witchcraft Appropriation

Within this assignment we were tasked with creating a fictional character. We got to choose from a variety of genres, in which I chose fantasy. With storyboards I aligned my subjects with props which looked gothic.

Continuing, I utilised the photos with a pre-existing background of an exhibition which I thought complemented the character.

City Lights Assignment

Within this task students were assigned to take photos they had collected from the City Lights excursion and turn into mandalas.

Please click on the images below for the description.

Advertisement Appropriation

During remote learning, students were tasked to create an advertisement which incorporated an object with pre-existing artworks.

Robin Stacy Sphere Flowers

Highlighted by our assignment in Year 9, students were assigned to create a shape to unify different types of flower into one work. My work was inspired by Robin Stacey’s Beau Monde.